Are you stressed, worried, fearful or embarrassed because of your dog’s unwanted behaviors?

tell us more about your dog

Over 5400 Dogs Rehabilitated In The Last 18 Years,
All Dogs Were 70-90% Improved In 2-4 Days

If your dog is aggressive towards dogs or humans, barking excessively,
pulling on the leash, suffering from separation anxiety and other
behavioral issues, this is your SOLUTION.

Behavior issues have nothing to do with the age of the dog nor the
breed. It is true that all breeds have certain tendencies, strengths and
weaknesses but not all specific breeds have specific behavior issues.
They are not genetically passed down from the dog’s parents. Just like
us, behaviors are environmentally learned. This also means that they
can be unlearned. This solution has 100% success rate because the
owners that come to us are committed to success for their dogs!

How Dog Psychology Training Works

Why Your Dog Has Behavior Issues

What Causes
Behavior Problems?

Consider the concept of a dog's "state of mind," They are either in a stable state of mind or they are not. If they are in a stable state of mind then they are psychologically calm and under control in ALL situations. If they are in an unstable state of mind then they are stressed. If they are stressed they will choose various ways of expressing that stress. Those expressions are manifest in what we call unwanted behaviors or behavior issues. Just like us we all express our stress slightly differently from each other.

This stress is a dog definition not a human definition.
Just like us, we hide our stress the majority of the time and generally express it seldomly. Not only is your dog hiding the stress but they are also speaking a language that you have not yet been trained to interpret. So your dog being stressed might not even be on your radar.

What Causes Stress
in Dogs?

Dogs get stressed when they are confused. They get confused when we have unclear communications WITH them. Our entire society is subconsciously implementing “HUMAN” while they are busy listening in “DOG”! It is kind of like you and I deciding that we are going to become absolute best friends. But let’s pretend that we are from different countries with different languages. We try for two years and we get nowhere due to the MASSIVE language barrier. Then someone teaches you to speak my language fluently.

Now in 2-4 days our relationship can go somewhere that it hasn’t gone in the last two years of us trying!
This is why graduates are experiencing 70-90% improvement in 2-4 days. Effective communication is CRITICAL!

HOW Does this Stress
Affect My Dog?

If we experience stress on a regular basis it can easily manifest itself as health issues later on in life. Dogs are no different. It can easily affect them the same way and then we are looking at major Vet bills! We also know that stress takes time off of our life span. We scientifically know now that the magic number for dogs is 2-4 years off of their life span! That is a major chunk of time in dog years and we are NOT good with that! We assume that you are not good with it either! This is why we do what we do!
This is our passion and we have dedicated our lives to this. There are way to many humans that put their dogs down simply because they do not know how to resolve the behaviors. We have NEVER found a dog that we were unable to resolve the behaviors for!

Get Solution


The key is education. The solid foundation to a successful relationship is;
Effective Communication / Mutual Trust / Mutual Respect. If the dog is expressing unwanted behaviors then the trust and/or respect is not where it needs to be. Then we need to go back and repair the communication breakdown.

The Behavior Dogtors will help you to:
  • Establish Effective & Fluent Communication
  • Learn how to transition your dog into a stable state of mind
  • Learn how to remove stress from your dog
  • Learn how to maintain Psychologically Calm and Under Control in ALL situations

*** Once your dog is in a stable state of mind and no longer stressed then they are no longer willing to pull the trigger on the unwanted behaviors ***


Let’s look at a very extreme analogy. Take a person that thinks that a mass shooting is a good idea. Clearly an unstable state of mind. The permanent solution is not going to be treat training. When is the last time you have ever seen a dog give another dog a treat? Yeah, Never! They also do not use clickers or any other human psychology. We are not even going to help by desensitizing them to people in large crowds. The ONLY solution is to help that person get into a stable state of mind permanently so that they are never willing to pull the trigger ever again.

  • Why "Dog Training" is NOT the solution

    a) Your dog already knows their language
b) Teaching "Come / Heel / Sit" is not going to have any positive affect on their state of mind

    c) Treats or Any kind of Praise while the dog is in an unstable state of mind simply reinforces the negative state of mind and rewards the negative behaviors thus making it worse.


    Teaching dogs "Human" is impossible but we can teach you the very detailed. intricate & comprehensive Dog Psychology in 12 hours


    Not only will you learn how to communicate to your dog effectively but you will learn how to properly interpret your dog's communications and behaviors in their psychology and language.


    We could be sitting in your living room, in the back of a limo or in completely different countries. So long as we can communicate effectively you can learn effectively. This is why this Zoom Training has produced 1000's of VERY HAPPY GRADUATES! 70-90% Improved in 2-4 days